Stressed and Taxed? Try Float Therapy

Author: Alexa LaRock, Float Sixty Research Curator

There are many kinds of jobs in the world. From construction to office setting, factory worker to corporate representative, banker to independent sales consultant, they all have one thing in common: stress. Nearly 40% of workers’ self-report their job as “very or extremely stressful.” Another 25% of employees say they see their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives. What’s more, work-related stress is associated with health problems more than any other stressor in life.

There are many reasons why stress is a growing problem in the workforce today. One reason we all can agree on, is none of us working Americans’ enjoy Tax Season. It’s an added stressor that we as American citizens have to do every year; not to mention, we have to pay those taxes by a deadline or else we get fined!  The question now stands, what does stress do to our body, and how can we nip it in the bud?

What’s more clear cut are the health effects of stress. When your body goes through a stress response, you might experience elevated heart rate, tightening of muscles, fast breathing, and elevated blood pressure. This is your body’s way of preparing you for a fight or flight response. If you’re at work, neither fight nor flight can really help you; you have to do your job, and even though your body is reacting this way, your life is not usually in any real danger.

Stress builds on itself and is not an easy problem to solve. Understanding your stress response is irrational doesn’t change your body’s conviction in its importance. The best way to tackle stress is a physical approach, and floatation therapy can help.

Floatation therapy, also called REST (restricted environment stimulation technique), is one of the most effective methods for reducing stress quickly. A simple 60-minute float session not only alleviates physical symptoms of stress, like body pains and headaches, but reduces stress at its source by providing your body with an environment free of stimulation. With no sound, light, or movement, and in an environment simulating zero gravity, your brain stops looking for external threats. It can then entire a state of complete relaxation. Scientifically, this is known as the Theta state, which is similar to dreaming. Depression, anxiety, insomnia, and pain are all significantly alleviated by floatation, patients report.

Float Sixty River North is offering a special package for the month of April that can get you started.

Alexa and Carly are ready to book your floats! 

Alexa and Carly are ready to book your floats!